Oak Trees are on the Move!
Posted on 12/14/2019
Oak Trees are on the Move!The Oak tree seeds planted in the school garden by Montgomery Middle STEAM Magnet 6th graders have grown into saplings. On Friday, 12/13/19, the saplings were transferred to our partner, the San Diego River Park Foundation, and are on their way to be transplanted at the Boulder Creek Preserve in the mountains of San Diego County on Saturday, 12/14/19. The students are so proud to be making a difference in the local environment and helping to combat the devastation caused by the invasive gold-spotted oak borer. Thank you to our Partner the San Diego River Foundation, Monty students, and staff for planting the Oak saplings! We look forward to visiting them from time to time to check on their progress.

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” - Nelson Henderson
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